How To Grow Your Podcast Quickly

Without Spending Thousands On A Publicist, Marketer, Or Coach

  • Interview guests like a pro
  • Monetize your guest appearances
  • Collaborate with powerful influencers

Is This You When It's Time For An Interview?


"Um - What do I Say?"

"I hope I ask the right questions?"

"What kinds of questions will they ask me?"

"Will we stay on topic?"

"Will I run out of things to say?"

"How can I earn money from interviews?"

Based on the techniques that have blessed me to reach the top .05% of all podcasts in the world...

I will teach you how to achieve interview mastery!

In just six short weeks, you will walk away with:

  • A clear, super focused understand of how to interview guests like a PRO...
  • How to prepare for your interviews by having the guests GIVE YOU the information...
  • How to do further research on your guest in a short amount of time...
  • How to promote yourself and your podcast so you can be interviewed on other podcasts!
  • How to organize your talking points (when you are interviewed by others) to maximize your professionalism...
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The Kingdom Intervew Accelerator will equip you with the confidence and tools needed to monetize your Spirit-led podcast!

I love giving presents to hard-working folks with a dream. God continues to bless me with an abundance of favor. The only biblical thing for me to do is turn around and bless others.


Three Payments 30 days apart for $295



4 weeks of training

Go from a "hobbies" podcaster to growing a Sprit-led podcast that serves your audience and expands your goals.

What Will You Experience When You Enroll In The Kingdom Interview Accelerator?

# 1


Just you, me, a note pad and some caffeine will connect to master your interview skills each week...

Soak up a 30-minute training session and then ask me your questions LIVE!

($997 value)

# 2


The beauty of this step-by-step mentorship is, I refuse to leave your side. Talk to me about any areas of improvement. Any questions. Any stumbling blocks. And safely confide your questions and concerns.

($997 value)

# 3


This is what I use to keep my schedule booked. I pray that it blesses you, too!

($297 value)

Special Bonus If You Pay In Full!

10 Personal Interview Referrals For You (After you complete the training)!

Receive my personal bonus of 2-3 FREE Interview referrals per week until you book 10 interviews!!!

After almost 900 interviews, I have an extensive data base of people whom I have interviewed on my podcast.

I will research those whom I believe would be a good fit for your podcast / niche and provide you with an "email introduction." I will continue to do so until you have had 10 successful interview appointments set.

(So if a few say "no" - you just let me know and I'll introduce you to someone else).

These will be a combination of booking someone for YOU to interview and also where YOU are interviewed on another podcast.

($497 value)

Don't Waste Thousands of Dollars Here

When you do the math, that's a combined value of $2,788 if you would have purchased all of this training separately.

But I'm here to help you, and I want to make this affordable for you to get started.

Two Payments 30 days Apart for $97


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Plus, you'll be backed by a 30-day "try it, test it, apply it" money back guarantee!

If you've been burnt by other trainings in the past, I want to give you every opportunity to test drive this powerful program. If you work the plan, I'm confident it will send you into a "hallelujah chorus!"  Praise God!

Are you ready to grow your podcast through the power of interviews?

You should try "The Kingdom Interview Accelerator" if any of the following statements have crossed your mind:

  • You recently launched your podcast and want to do everything you can to make sure it's a success
  • Running an interview style podcast speaks to your heart, but you feel like your interview skills need some sharpening
  • Hitting the ground running with a vetted list of contacts would be a "dream come true..."

Can I Save Your Seat?

If you are ready to grow your podcast with interviews, let's get started!

A Caffeinated Word From Pastor Bob Thibodeau, Your Interview Coach

Bob's profile long no smiling

God and interviews are responsible for me landing where I am today. I’ve been blessed to chat it up with some of the most AMAZING people. Christian authors, entrepreneurs, non-profit CEOs… You name it.

Making such connections has led to sacred professional and personal relationships. Glory to God. I am monetizing my podcast in ways I never could’ve imagined. The good news is, there’s absolutely nothing preventing you from making the same type of progress.

Do You Want To Grow Your Influence By Talking To Great People Too?

The Kingdom Interview Accelerator is perfect for you if you are ready to carry out God’s vision for your message. All you have to do is take the next step. I’ll be waiting for you on the other side. Amen.