How would it feel to Launch Your Podcast and
And do so QUICKLY and EFFECIENTLY without distractions that hold you back?
In the next 4-6 weeks - YOU will have a fully functional podcast of your own AND you will be able to use interviews to market whatever it is you are doing in whatever niche you are in!
"The Strategic Podcast Training Progam"
Will Help You To Launch Your Podcast & Grow Your Business, Coaching Program or Ministry
If you are ready to Launch Your Podcast and Grow Your Business - then you need to be part of my next enrollment. Don't let another day go by without moving toward achieving this level of success!
When You Enroll in the "Strategic Podcast Training Program," we will:
- Brainstorm a hot podcast topic for your niche in 2021 – unique to YOU.
- Strategically map out the content of the first ten podcast episodes for you.
- Find a suitable podcast hosting platform that you are comfortable with.
- Link your podcast host website to your personal or business website (making it easier for people to find your podcast AND access your website).
- Work together to submit and have your podcast approved on the largest podcast promotional site – Apple Podcasts (formerly iTunes)!
- Work together in preparing you to be interviewed on other podcasts and to conduct interviews with other experts on your podcast (to help promote your business, books, ministry, etc.).
- Best Deal
- Save $$$ Now!
- Grow Now!
2 Monthly Pay Plan
- Payment Plan x 2 months
- $750 Now
- $750 in 30 days
When I Started - I could not find training like this anywhere.
I literally had to piecemeal all of my training together...
It took weeks to Google search so many sites that claimed to "help me" start a podcast. Many specialized in one area or perhaps two. Every single one of them charged a fee for a generic program that would apply to just about any niche. There was no way for me to ask questions (unless I purchased their "expensive" program).
If you are like me, I need to ask questions from time to time. I need to know how something applies to ME and what I am trying to do. I need to be able to explain my situation when something is not making sense or working right. I want to be offered a few solutions. I like to evaluate the solutions and then choose one I want to try in my situation. After all - it is MY program!
Am I right?
Does that sound like you?
If so, we are probably wired the same way. We want the training. We need to accomplish our goal. But we also need to make sure the steps are crafted to our individual need - not some "generic answers" to "generic products" with "generic training."
Have you been struggling with the idea of launching your own podcast and using it in your business or ministry?
I specialize in teaching others how to use podcasting and online radio to expand their ministry, promote their books, their products, coaching programs, etc. But ALL from the Christian perspective of helping others.
Now, for you, joining me on this training today, I'm doing something unique and very special.
I'm going to combine my One-on-One coaching sessions, with access to the Podcast Group Coaching Program - and provide you access to the Podcast Master Mind Group (once you launch your podcast).
If you enjoyed the way I shared about using interviews to grow your podcast, ministry, business, etc. - imagine how quickly we could launch your very own podcast (and maybe create your own radio program)!
With my proven system, you can proceed as quickly as you are comfortable with. You can launch, grow and monetize your podcast faster than you ever believed possible.
I do not force you to do anything with your podcast. Most steps will have some choices for you to make as far as deciding how to accomplish each step. You are always in control (after all, it's YOUR program)!
I will offer advice and options and help you to implement once you make a decision on any one topic. But I do not force you into a "canned answer" session where things must be done according to "my rules."
Today, I am officially launching the Strategic Podcast Launch Training Program!
Here is what this program will do for YOU,
if you are one of the 10 people that sign up for this program:
Over the course of the next 4-6 weeks, I’m taking you, basically by the hand, to personally guide you in developing your podcast.
Together, we will:
- Brainstorm a hot podcast topic for your niche in 2021 – unique to YOU.
- Strategically map out the content of the first ten podcast episodes for you.
- Find a suitable podcast hosting platform that you are comfortable with.
- Link your podcast host website to your personal or business website (making it easier for people to find your podcast AND access your website).
- Work together to submit and have your podcast approved on the largest podcast promotional site – Apple Podcasts (formerly iTunes)!
- Work together in preparing you to be interviewed on other podcasts and to conduct interviews with other experts on your podcast (to help promote your business, books, ministry, etc.).
To accomplish this, we will be using:
- Step by Step Training Program that follows a logical sequence as we walk through the process together...
- You will receive links to each weeks training sessions (one on one & group so you can review and keep up).
- Personalized Training through the live Q&A each week (I'm working with you at a higher level with more one on one interaction).
- I'm also making my self available to you for SIX 30 minute, private one-on-one sessions to help get you launched!
- Networking with others who are launching their podcasts - allowing you to cross promote each other for faster success!
Let's look at what you will receive when you join this special offer (only available to those are watching this right now).
Group Coaching Program
This is a 10 week program conducted live each week. Each session ends with a Q&A where you can ask me any question related to podcast, the training, marketing, etc. Every person in the group is making strides towards publishing and monetizing their podcast.
$1,497 value
ONE-on-ONE Coaching Sessions
In addition to the Group Coaching Training, I will be meeting with you for SIX, 30 minute sessions of "One-on-One" coaching. Just YOU and ME via Zoom. My normal One-on-One coaching is $2,197 for up to three hours of personalized training and help setting up and launching your podcast.
With this offer today, I'm including this One-on-One training for SIX 30 minute sessions to help you launch quickly! Total of three hours (over six sessions).
Value $2,197
Podcast Master Mind Group
Once you launch your podcast, you will be given access to our "Podcast Master Mind Group." These are podcasters who have already published their podcasts by completing the training that you will be going through. This MasterMind is where we collaborate and help each other with areas they may be stuck on. We help each other with marketing and growing our podcasts! Access to this Master Mind is $647 per year. You will be given access for one year - free!
Master Mind Value: $647
Now, there's one more thing that happens when join this unique program...
Because you have shown an interest in either doing interviews to grow your podcast - or you are interested in conducting interviews to grow you podcast - I will COACH YOU - personally - in how to do great interviews!
You have just watched me explain the importance of conducting great interviews.
You have just watched me explain how to find podcasts looking for guests or guests looking for podcasters like you to interview them.
You have just watched me explain all of the benefits of joining this unique training and all of the bonuses I'm going to include for you.
But unless you know HOW to conduct the interview; unless you know HOW TO DO your interviews on other programs, you will have a steep learning curve ahead of you.
I want to help you with that...
I will include 2 hours of One-on-One training JUST IN DOING INTERVIEWS, with you (this is in addition to the six 30 minute sessions for launching your podcast)!
We will spend 30 minutes on how to prepare for your interview on someone else's podcast.
We will include 30 minutes on how to prepare to interview someone else.
We will include 30 minutes on formatting your questions and actually conducting the interviews.
We will spend 30 minutes in what takes place AFTER the interview!
This means you will have 5 hours of One-on-One Training with ME, personally!
This is another $697 value - in addition to the One-on-One Coaching for $2197 (above)!
An Interview with Me on My Podcast!
After you launch your podcast...
After we go through the Interview Training...
If your podcast, product or service is a good fit for my Christian audience...
I will interview YOU on my podcast!
Here is what I will do for your interview:
Evangelism Radio Listening Countries
- I will do a 25 minute interview with you about your podcast, service, etc.
- We will promote your product, service, ministry, etc.
- I will share your episode with my listening audience and on five (5) different social media platforms.
- I will put your episode in rotation for continuous promotions for six months (approximately every 10 days, your interview will be blasted back out to my social media followers).
- I will share your interview with my worldwide radio listening audience in my time slot on "Evangelism Radio" on the day it is published...
- Listeners in over 160 nations
- Listeners in all 50 states
- Evangelism Radio has been broadcasting 24/7 since October 2010.
- Evangelism Radio has been ranked by before as #1 in the world in the Christian-Talk genre!
I cannot guarantee how much exposure your interview will receive with all of this promotion - but I'm including it ALL with this offer today!
On caveat - your podcast must be suitable for a Christian audience. That does not mean it has to be Christian themed - just not promoting values counter to Christianity.
That is a total of OVER $5,038 of value if you priced each separately!
Not including the interview and radio promotions!
With this program, you will have a support and accountability system built into the training...
You will have access to ME 20 times throughout the process of launching your podcast!
You will have access to the Group that is going through the training with you. You will be able to help each other, support each other, provide advice and encouragement to each other...
You will have access to a training process I have perfected over the last several years that truly WORKS!
We will work, basically hand-in-hand to get your podcast launched quickly and reaching your market with your story and services!
(And ALL of this is designed to help you become known as an "expert" in your niche)!
How would it feel to have your Podcast LAUNCHED in the next 30-60 days...
And become known as an Expert in your market?
And use Interviews to Grow and possibly Monetize your podcast within the 30 days after Launch?
And Help Other People that need to HEAR YOUR STORY?
And to do all of this with a Support System in place that is there for you - all year long?
The Strategic Podcast Launch Training Progam
will allow you to do this quickly, efficiently and successfully!
Weekly, LIVE Training
We start with the basics and build from there. We only move one step at a time. Your homework for the week is to complete the step... Everyone in the group is proceeding at almost the same pace. If you have a problem, it is easy for us to help you because everyone is on the same step!
LIVE Q&A Each Week!
After each training session, I open it up to live Q&A. This is your chance to ask me personally for help on any subject of podcasting! Past clients have found this type of one-on-one interaction very helpful. If you are having a problem or stuck on a step, I can give you immediate guidance on ways to fix it.
Video Link to the Training Sessions!
You will have access to the video of each training session. You can review it. You can play it, pause and take action. Then come back and hit play and review the next step. Pause, take action, etc. This aspect of the training has proven very helpful for all of my clients.
Six - 30 Minute Personalized Coaching Calls
Approximately every two weeks, we will schedule a call where you and I can work together for 30 minutes. This allows me to personally help you stay on track for the launch of your podcast. This is not "chit-chat." This is to work through the steps to help you launch on time!
Interview Coaching Program
Once you launch your podcast, we will start to grow your influence, grow your audience and possibly monetize your podcast by using INTERVIEWS. When you finish this training, you will be a "pro" at giving interviews and conducting interviews!
Podcast Master Mind Access
Once you launch your podcast, you will be given access to our Master Mind Group of fellow podcasters! This is a diverse group of podcasters that have completed the training before you. They will welcome you into the group and we are here to help each other grow! This access will continue for 12 months from the time you sign up for the initial program!
One Word of Warning!
Because of the unique, six 30 minute One-on-One sessions and the personal, One-on-One Interview Training included with this offer, I have to limit the number of people that can actually sign up for this.
If 50 people joined us today, there is no way I can honestly help all 50 over the next 10 weeks.
So, this is going to be limited to the first 10 people to sign up.
The Strategic Podcast Training Progam
Will Help You To Launch Your Podcast & Grow Your Business, Coaching Program or Ministry
If you are ready to Launch Your Podcast and Grow Your Business - then you need to be part of my next enrollment. Don't let another day go by without moving toward achieving this level of success!
When You Enroll in the "Strategic Podcast Training Program," we will:
- Brainstorm a hot podcast topic for your niche in 2021 – unique to YOU.
- Strategically map out the content of the first ten podcast episodes for you.
- Find a suitable podcast hosting platform that you are comfortable with.
- Link your podcast host website to your personal or business website (making it easier for people to find your podcast AND access your website).
- Work together to submit and have your podcast approved on the largest podcast promotional site – Apple Podcasts (formerly iTunes)!
- Work together in preparing you to be interviewed on other podcasts and to conduct interviews with other experts on your podcast (to help promote your business, books, ministry, etc.).
- Best Deal
- Save $$$ Now!
- Grow Now!
2 Monthly Pay Plan
- Payment Plan x 2 months
- $750 Now
- $750 in 30 days
How would it feel to Have Your Own Podcast and Start Doing Interviews
And Grow Your Influence, Your Ministry, Your Business
All in the next 30 - 60 Days?
Quick Review of what you will receive...
- Weekly LIVE Training with Live Q&A Sessions...
- Recordings of the Training so you can review and implement what you have learned...
- Six Personalized Coaching Calls with me (30 minutes each) over the course of 60 days...
- Interview Coaching by ME, personally...
- An interview on my Podcast* which is sent out via the podcast AND online radio into over 160 nations and all 50 states...
(*for those that have a program applicable to my Christian audience)...
- Once you Launch your podcast - Access for 12 months to the Podcast Master Mind Group!
All total, if you purchased these trainings separately, it would cost you OVER $5,000!
But not today...If you are one of the first ten people to sign up!
I cannot provide this type of personalized services to more than ten people. It is just physically impossible. So TEN PEOPLE is all I will be able to accept into this program.
Meet Your Coach and Mentor - Bob Thibodeau
Pastor Robert Thibodeau is a 12 year Army veteran, serving as both enlisted and as a commissioned Cavalry Officer.
He is a retired law enforcement supervisor. After his retirement, he started his radio career and within six months accepted an opportunity to be on nationwide AM radio.
He started the online Christian radio platform "Evangelism Radio" in the fall of 2010 (which became the #1 rated online Christian radio station in the world within two years).
He is the founder and host of the Kingdom Cross Roads Podcast and has published over 900 episodes with more than 800 interviews in just over three years.
He founded the Christian Podcast hosting and marketing company, “” and has developed a podcast coaching program designed exclusively for Christian podcasters.
He has been training other podcasters for since 2014 - many of whom have gone on to win awards for their podcasts, monetized their podcasts and have even sold their podcasts for up to 5 figures!
100% Guarantee Results
Your Enrollment in the "Strategic Podcast Training Program" is Risk-Free.
I am so confident in this program, that I invite you to take an entire four weeks on my 100% Guarantee.
Take the entire 28 days, participate in or watch all the training, join in the live Q&A, and, if you do not believe this program is helping you to achieve the results promised, then I will happily give you a 100% refund of your money. All I ask is that prior to the 28th day, you jump on a call with me and see if together, we can get you the results you're looking for. If it's not for you, then I will refund your money.
The Strategic Podcast Launch Training Progam
Will Help You To Launch Your Podcast & Grow Your Business, Coaching Program or Ministry
If you are ready to Launch Your Podcast and Grow Your Business - then you need to sign up right now, before all ten slots are filled. Don't let another day go by without moving toward achieving this level of success!
Enroll in the "Strategic Podcast Training Program" and receive:
- Access to the Group Coaching Program with Live Training each week!
- Live Q&A after each training!
- Six 30 Minute One-on-One Coaching Sessions!
- Interview Coaching Program to accelerate your interview skills!
- Access to our Podcast Training Master Mind!
- Best Deal
- SAVE $$$ NOW!
2 Pay Plan
- Payment Plan x 2 months
- Pay $750 now
- Pay $750 in 30 days